Morgan Gilfond | Mail-in ballots present unprecedented obstacles

Pennsylvania faces a unique set of challenges in developing an adequate mail-in system as the November presidential election rapidly approaches. 

Isami McCowan | The notoriously important junior-year summer is getting re-defined

It's important to remind ourselves that there are ways to push ourselves forward, personally and professionally, that don't include the perfect title on our resumes.

Varun Saraswathula | As America reopens, our leaders must listen to science

The onus is on our political leadership to support empirical, evidence-based information to protect the American people.

Sophia DuRose | Toxic masculinity is also dangerously contagious

A masculinity that looks toward countries led by women around the globe who manage to have civil press conferences and provide correct information during this crisis is necessary.

Urooba Abid | Ramadan holds new meaning in quarantine

Quarantine has left time for many of us to do what our overstimulated society so rarely leaves time for — reflection. Coincidentally, this is the main goal of Ramadan.

Agatha Advincula | Don’t squander the right to vote

No one is morally impure for accepting Biden as the clearest way forward.  

Emilia Onuonga | Betsy DeVos’s new Title IX regulations do not support survivors

Although Betsy DeVos does not require it of Penn to support survivors, Penn must require it of itself. 

Varun Saraswathula | After COVID-19, we need to consider universal health coverage in the United States

Every human life has equal value, and it’s time for our healthcare system to recognize that.

Senior Column by Annabelle Williams | It’s a process, not a plan

I’m not a sports person, but I hear their advice is to “trust the process.”

Senior Column by Elias Rappaport | Make it a habit of saying yes

Understand that saying “yes” is praxis. The truth is that not every “yes” is a good decision; not every door opened has treasure on the other side. But more often than you think, a good day at Penn starts by opening one unremarkable door and ends with a dozen more doors unlocked.

Senior Column by Theodoros Papazekos | I’ve written 100 versions of this column in my head

The problem with writing columns in the shower is that the water gets cold before you can end them. 

Jessica Gooding | All students forced to leave campus should receive a housing credit

In light of Penn’s recent announcement that it would not accept 9.9 million dollars in CARE Act funds, it makes sense to wonder how those funds could have been allocated to help secure stability for vulnerable students. 

Emilia Onuonga | Amy Gutmann made the right decision. Congress did not.

Yes, Americans ought to put pressure on well-established institutions and businesses to reject these funds. However, people should direct criticism to Congress and the Trump administration during this national crisis.

Agatha Advincula | Preparing for uncertainty in uncertain times

It’s okay to be scared and still make contingency plans. It’s okay to be frustrated with the ways in which Penn has often left us in the dark and it’s okay to be worried about the future.

Sophia DuRose | Penn’s campus is my new home

Even though there are massive problems in the world right now, small ones still hurt. And if anything good could come out of any of this, it should be a greater sense of urgency to be empathetic and kind.

Bridget Yu | Let’s talk about rape culture

In light of the fact that 25.9% of undergraduate women at Penn reported having experienced non-consensual sexual contact sometime in college, it is crucial that we address the many misconceptions surrounding sexual assault on college campuses. 

Varun Saraswathula | The Existential Crisis of Your College Decision

Choosing where you want to spend the next four years of your life is really stressful, namely because of how consequential that decision is. Your decision to come to Penn represents the first of many to limit the number of potential paths you can follow in life.