Guest Column by Borna Saeednia | From a TA to Penn Class of 2020: Congratulations!

To the Class of 2020, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the contributions you have made, and for giving me an opportunity to learn with you and from you. 

Senior Column by Sam Yellowhorse Kesler | “What are perfect places, anyway?"

Penn is still not perfect, but it’s filled with perfect places. 

Guest Column by Louis Lin | What graduation means for FGLI students during the pandemic

Ever since Penn first announced there would be no in-person ceremonies this year, I have been thinking about what graduation means as a first-generation, low-income student, and what it means for my family. 

Senior Column by Sarah Fortinsky | To Eric Jacobs, the one who made the DP home

My graduation from Penn coincides with Eric Jacobs’ retirement from the DP after four decades as general manager. From the start of my time at Penn, I’ve known Eric to be the DP’s guiding light. 

Guest Column by Penn Leads the Vote Leadership | You deserve to be heard. Vote on June 2nd

By voting in the upcoming primary election, students at Penn will be able to make a difference in who represents our communities in Congress and the state legislature. One person, one vote is perpetually under threat and this year is no different, if not more than ever before.

Guest Column by Vanessa Chan | A note on finals

I’m writing to wish you luck in your finals but to also put everything in context for you as well.  As a Penn undergraduate student, I remember how stressful the finals period was and I’m imagining that in this virtual environment, this stress is likely amplified. 

Guest Column by Ada Lim | President Trump ought to stop playing the blame game with China

Pinning responsibility on China is using them as a scapegoat, and the Trump administration cannot afford to live in the past when there are such pressing concerns in the present and the future.

Guest Column by eight GET-UP members | Calling on Penn to protect graduate and professional students

In this time, we graduate student-workers at Penn find ourselves wishing more than ever that we had a union to represent us in ongoing campus-wide conversations that affect all our futures.

Guest Column by Jasper MacLean and Lauren MacLean | The true cost of not going back to campus

For both students and faculty, being on campus means so much more than covering the content of facts and formulas.

Guest Column by Emma Wennberg | We need new leadership in West Philly. Rick Krajewski is our chance to get it.

By voting for Rick, you are supporting leadership vital in today’s pandemic and necessary for Philadelphia’s future. 

Guest Column by Lucy Corlett | Power Purchase Agreement points to the dangers of greenwashing

By using the PPA to proclaim itself a champion of sustainability, Penn is greenwashing the areas of its operations that are, and will continue to be, socially and environmentally harmful.

Guest Column by Johaer Jilani | If the Fall semester is online, Penn should implement a Double-A policy

The two most important aspects that need to be fulfilled in order to accommodate all Penn undergraduates are to allow the option to have letter grades and to mitigate the effects of circumstantial inequality. The best way to approach this problem is by having a Double-A grading policy, in which students are guaranteed an A-, or a double-A/fail policy, in which passing a course awards at least an A-. 

Guest Column by Katie Rader | What Do Penn’s Austerity Measures Mean?

While Penn’s focus on continuing to support staff under $70,000 is commendable, this is truly a moment for the Board of Trustees and the Penn administration to be more transparent about why fiscal austerity is falling on the backs of their employees and students.

Guest Column by Jaden Cloobeck | Why We Must Preserve the On-Campus College Experience

With the federal government’s current social distancing recommendations, it is best for us to remain in our homes until the experts say it’s safe to come out again. However, once we return to campus, we should not fear the precious in-person connections that make Penn wonderful. 

Guest Column by Emma Glasser | Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault. What if we actually took it seriously?

What if, instead of bowing to political pressure, we demanded more news coverage and investigations? What if we gave Tara Reade the same credibility and respect that we gave Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in 2018?

Guest Column by Michelle Nigro | 2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Here’s why that matters

As we navigate our lives during this pandemic, the designation of 2020 as the International Year of Nurse has become more profound.

Guest Column by Borna Saeednia | Penn for Bernie should endorse Joe Biden

I call for unity among Penn community ahead of the upcoming presidential election in support of Biden to restore the dignity of the office of presidency. I ask Penn for Bernie to endorse Biden for president despite all the disagreements.