Morgan Gilfond | Mail-in ballots present unprecedented obstacles

Pennsylvania faces a unique set of challenges in developing an adequate mail-in system as the November presidential election rapidly approaches. 

Guest Column by Hector Cure | COVID-19 made me realize my country's other crisis

We hold a responsibility to think about the critical issues faced in our home countries, and find ways to confront them, even while at Penn.

Isami McCowan | The notoriously important junior-year summer is getting re-defined

It's important to remind ourselves that there are ways to push ourselves forward, personally and professionally, that don't include the perfect title on our resumes.

Guest Column by Michelle Shen | Let's Agree to Disagree

It’s natural for us to construct echo chambers by choosing what circles we choose to interact with, and this phenomenon has only been exacerbated by our move to a virtual world.

Varun Saraswathula | As America reopens, our leaders must listen to science

The onus is on our political leadership to support empirical, evidence-based information to protect the American people.

Sophia DuRose | Toxic masculinity is also dangerously contagious

A masculinity that looks toward countries led by women around the globe who manage to have civil press conferences and provide correct information during this crisis is necessary.

Senior Column by Michel Liu | “Play hard” along the way

I, too, was anticipating Senior Week, Commencement, and all the last goodbyes we never got to say. But after everything that has happened, my doubts about taking a “scenic route” instead of the expressway to my goals have vanished. 

Guest Column by Borna Saeednia | From a TA to Penn Class of 2020: Congratulations!

To the Class of 2020, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the contributions you have made, and for giving me an opportunity to learn with you and from you. 

Urooba Abid | Ramadan holds new meaning in quarantine

Quarantine has left time for many of us to do what our overstimulated society so rarely leaves time for — reflection. Coincidentally, this is the main goal of Ramadan.

Editorial | Penn should introduce a preventative mental health care model

In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic and the immense stressors it produces, Penn should adopt a proactive rather than reactive stance towards mental health. 

Senior Column by Sam Yellowhorse Kesler | “What are perfect places, anyway?"

Penn is still not perfect, but it’s filled with perfect places. 

Agatha Advincula | Don’t squander the right to vote

No one is morally impure for accepting Biden as the clearest way forward.  

Emilia Onuonga | Betsy DeVos’s new Title IX regulations do not support survivors

Although Betsy DeVos does not require it of Penn to support survivors, Penn must require it of itself. 

Guest Column by Louis Lin | What graduation means for FGLI students during the pandemic

Ever since Penn first announced there would be no in-person ceremonies this year, I have been thinking about what graduation means as a first-generation, low-income student, and what it means for my family. 

Senior Column by Sarah Fortinsky | To Eric Jacobs, the one who made the DP home

My graduation from Penn coincides with Eric Jacobs’ retirement from the DP after four decades as general manager. From the start of my time at Penn, I’ve known Eric to be the DP’s guiding light. 

Guest Column by Penn Leads the Vote Leadership | You deserve to be heard. Vote on June 2nd

By voting in the upcoming primary election, students at Penn will be able to make a difference in who represents our communities in Congress and the state legislature. One person, one vote is perpetually under threat and this year is no different, if not more than ever before.

Varun Saraswathula | After COVID-19, we need to consider universal health coverage in the United States

Every human life has equal value, and it’s time for our healthcare system to recognize that.