Letter to the Editor by Ning Zhou | Response to 'I don't support the Harvard affirmative action lawsuit'

It takes courage and compassion for people who have made it to stand up against a system that has helped them succeed, but we must. 

Letter to the Editor by Young Lee | Response to ‘I don’t support the Harvard affirmative action lawsuit’

I think the ideal solution is a compromise where affirmative action isn’t completely dismantled, but instead admissions officers stop making these subconsciously biased decisions when it comes to Asian-American applicants.

Letter to the Editor by Samson Hennessy-Strahs | The 24-hour study spot: a preamble to student protest

Sometimes, at 3 a.m. you need a reminder that you’re not alone.

Letter to the Editor by Amit Gupta | Why didn't students get to vote on the Huntsman decision?

The real problem, however, isn’t that Huntsman is closing early; it’s that somehow the student body has no say in the matter.

Letter to the Editor by Leila Ashtaryeh | Response to Huntsman Hall no longer being open 24 hours

Regardless of what time Huntsman closes, we are under the same pressure and have the same workload.

Letter to the Editor | Response to Rebecca Alifimoff’s column ‘Why chill is overrated’

If I really cared about someone and had a deep emotional connection with them, why would I feel the need to appear as if I didn’t care?

Letter to the Editor from Brooklyn College professor Robert Cherry | Amy Wax's claim is well founded

Given that Dean Ruger has made claims about the grades of UPenn black students, he should make public the data that he submitted to the Law School Admissions Council.

Letter to the Editor from CAPS Director Bill Alexander

CAPS is deeply appreciative of the superb and sustained institutional support we enjoy from President Amy Gutmann and Provost Wendell Pritchett.

Letter to the Editor by Director of Career Services Patricia Rose

We offer Penn students (both graduate and undergraduate) an incredible array of customized programs and services. Last year we offered 300 programs. 

Letter to the Editor by College Dean Advisory Board Co-Chairs | Why won't Penn listen?

While the DP is a great outlet to share experiences with the larger student body, we want students to know that there are many outlets on our campus to voice concerns and make productive change. 

Letter to the Editor by Valarie Swain-Cade McCoullum | Dear Blaze

We have invested, and will continue to invest, with clear and present purpose, in every initiative, practice and program we can think of to promote student self- and community-care and to further decrease the potentially life-threatening incidence of sexual violence, alcohol and drug abuse and hazing on our campus.

Letter to the Editor by 7 Academic Advisors in the College | On Claudia Cohen Hall's PennCard access

Early this summer, not long after many students had left for the break, Claudia Cohen Hall joined the ranks of those buildings on campus that can only be accessed by PennCard.

Letter to the Editor by Miranda Ribeiro-Vecino | AOD student event policies have no place at Penn

Like many other students at Penn, I came back to campus 3 weeks ago with little to no knowledge of the newly instated policy that all “student group events” held on-campus, off-campus, or at third-party venues must now be registered with the AOD regardless of whether or not alcohol is present.

Letter to the Editor | Response to Rebecca Alifimoff’s column ‘Why chill is overrated’

Here’s my take on “chill.” At Penn, this whole "deadening yourself" with placid smiles and mildly network-y “hahas” is done for me. “Chill” is a ballooning umbrella word that just perpetuates toxic bro activity and pressures people to deflate and compress their bodies into little boxes of compliance. I’m over it, and I’ll take a good bet that most minority communities are over it, too.

Letter to the editor | Chris Corsi

It was with a mix of great sadness and severe frustration that I read about the death of Wharton junior Olivia Kong yesterday.

Letter to the Editor | Response to Toe the Line: College Republicans

Today the College Republicans wrote an op-ed arguing that America should focus on fixing it's mental healthcare system in response to the wave of mass shootings that has plagued the country.

I find this quite hypocritical, considering that the ten states with the lowest level of access to mental health resources (as ranked by Mental Health America, an advocacy group) are all controlled by Republicans.

Letter to the Editor | Sarah Zandi & Amelia Goodman

The publication of the article “Many Penn women not discouraged by gender disparities across fields” is uncritical and misogynistic.